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Our Programs


Fades for Grades


Program Benefits

WeMentor360 benefits students in a comprehensive way, improving their academic and personal lives. Benefits Include:

  • Safe environment that builds trust

  • Long-term, ongoing mentorship (360 degrees)

  • Food

  • Grooming - haircuts and manicures

  • Resources and supplies

  • Support in higher education goals

Methods & Processes

WeMentor360 provides tailored mentorship to meet students where they are. Our methods include:

  • Open discussion

  • Journaling 

  • Guest speakers

  • Role playing

  • One-on-one mentoring

  • Conflict resolution

  • Interview preparation

Fades For Grades

Fades For Grades

Fades for Grades (FFG) is a progressive, proactive, and passionate mentoring program for young, underserved males, giving them “a safe place to clear space,” in a barbershop style setting. Using our DISCIPLINE model, tools are given on how to manage and overcome trauma through real, raw, and relevant conversations and activities, with the goal of teaching them how to avoid the pitfalls of the inner-city.  FFG encourages young men to remain in school, set positive goals for the future, while rewarding them with haircuts for improved behavior, grades, and participation. 

From Our Mentees

"What I learned is to be honest to everybody, even my parents, and to keep your head up whatever happens to you."

- Dijon

"My respect level has gone up, and my grades have taken a big leap! I’ve been in the program for 3 years now and I’ve loved every second of it. Pretty much changed my life and turned me around!"

- Scott

"I learned how to live without a dad. Also, I learned how to be a kid."

- Dillon

"This program means a lot to me. It has pushed me through tough times and good times. It helps me not to get into as much trouble as I would normally get into. I think that this program has bettered me as a man and student."

- Orgon



Similar to Fades for Grades, Polish focuses on young ladies.  Through our DISCIPLINE model, participants are encouraged to strive for excellence in all areas of life from “The Inside Out.”  Polish offers a safe place for girls to express themselves through real, raw, and relevant conversations in a “nail shop” setting, rewarding them with manicures for improved behaviors, good grades, and reaching their goals.

From Our Mentees

"I have been in Polish since my sophomore year and I can say it has helped me make my way through school and life, period. I am now a senior and wish I would have started sooner."

- Courtney

"I’ve been in plenty of mentoring programs but this is the only one that we talk about serious issues this deeply. Polish has really opened up my eyes to get an understanding of what people go through. I’m not as ignorant as I used to be and it’s easier for me to cope with my peers because I know that people are facing things."

- Paris

"I was feeling lonely and out of place and when I came to Polish I felt like I belonged somewhere."

- Makiya

"When I first got to Polish, I thought it was to just get my nails done. But, in Polish we talk about our feelings, struggles, family issues, and much more. Polish is a life changing program!"

- Desiree

"It’s all positive vibes in the room. You feel the sisterhood and everyone gets along."

- Mya

"Polish is important to me because they teach you that you don’t have to act like someone else to impress other people. You should be yourself and not care what other people think because you are unique in your very own way."

- Heaven

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Be a part of this revolution and promote changes in our inner-city.

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